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Wild Path Yoga Online

Wild Path Yoga is now online!


I have created a package of pre-recorded yoga and meditation sessions that are now available to purchase. 


The package is a total of 90 minutes and includes five videos


Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar A)

Warm Up and Core

Full Body Flow

Cool Down and Stretch



The sessions are no longer than thirty minutes so that you can adapt your practice to fit how your body is feeling and the time you have in the day. 

You can work your way through the whole playlist for a full yoga practice, pick a short stretch or meditation at the end of the day or jump into a few rounds of sun salutations in your lunch break!


The videos suit all levels and can be adapted to your own practice. 


The package is £10 and you will have unlimited access to all these videos. 


If you are interested in purchasing this package please contact 


Stay tuned for further videos and offers!

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